Take advantage of DHIS2’s built-in tools and regional capacity to transform EMIS data to support routine planning and inform evidence-based decision making by education stakeholders at all levels.

What is DHIS2 for Education? #DigitalPublicGood

SDG 4 seeks to ensure access to equitable and quality education through all stages of life, as well as to increase the number of youth and adults with relevant skills for employment and decent jobs. The goal aims to eliminate gender and income disparities in accessing a quality education. Digital tools are an essential component in helping countries collect education data and measure progress toward these goals. DHIS2 for Education uses the free and open-source DHIS2 software platform for the collection, analysis, visualization, and use of aggregate and individual data from institutions of learning.

DHIS2 for Education takes advantage of the decades of experience using DHIS2 for public-sector information management in more than 70 countries around the world. DHIS2 offers a stable, scalable, and customizable Education Management Information System (EMIS) solution that is backed by international donor organizations as a digital public good. Supported by the DHIS2 development team and global HISP network, DHIS2 for Education allows countries to leverage their existing DHIS2 capacity and expertise.

Where is DHIS2 for Education used?

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Action Research on DHIS2 for Education

The development of DHIS2 for Education is part of a research project organized by the HISP programme at the University of Oslo (UiO). The objective of this project is to understand how best to leverage DHIS2 to enhance education data use at all levels of the education system.

An EMIS research lab hosted by HISP UiO under the Department of Informatics includes information systems PhD candidates and a group of UiO Masters students. The responsibility of the lab is to coordinate research designs and data collection and conduct iterative cycles of action research in partnership with HISP WCA, HISP Uganda and Ministries of Education in the Gambia, Uganda and Togo to guide the development, implementation, diffusion and sustainability of the EMIS innovations developed in this project.

You can read more about this research project on the UiO website.

Join the global community: Discuss DHIS2 for Education
with an international network of experts

The DHIS2 Community of Practice (CoP) is the primary online forum for DHIS2 discussions, sharing and support. The DHIS2 team also uses the CoP to announce upcoming events, new software developments, and research findings. You can visit the Education section of the CoP to join ongoing topics related to implementation and use of DHIS2 as an EMIS, ask questions and share your thoughts.

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DHIS2 for Education is supported as a digital public good by international organizations such as the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and the Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (GPE KIX).