Education sessions | DHIS2 Annual Conference, Oslo 2024
We welcomed more than 380 people from 70 countries to the DHIS2 2024 Annual Conference in Oslo, for a full week of use cases, thematic presentations, live demos, and opportunities for networking and consultation with DHIS2 experts.
We were delighted to welcome to Oslo over 380 people from 70 countries who gave their time and resources to attend the Annual Conference and to contribute in diverse ways with interesting presentations, posters and a good atmosphere for discussion and networking.
The DHIS2 Annual Conference is an opportunity for DHIS2 implementers, developers, ministry representatives, technical partners, donors and other DHIS2 experts from around the world to come together in person to share experiences, learn about the latest developments and innovations, and make connections that can lead to new partnerships and collaborations. The conference attracts more than 350 in-person participants, 1,000+ online participants from across 180+ organizations.
Previously known as the DHIS2 Experts Academy, the Annual Conference typically takes place in June at the University of Oslo in Norway, home of the HISP Centre, which develops and maintains the DHIS2 platform. The event includes a full week of use cases, thematic presentations, live demos, and opportunities for networking and consultation with DHIS2 experts.
DHIS2 for Education recordings:
- Plenary session: The Ministry of Education and Training eSwatini shared their experience of DHIS2 implementation beyond health. We heard about their personal identity number (PIN) driven system and their approach to capacity building for sustainability. UNICEF eSwatini shared the journey of moving from an access-based to PIN-drive system from a partner perspective. The panel was joined by Amelie A Gagnon from UNESCO-IIEP to give remarks from an international education planning perspective. Finally, Alfredo Muchanga, Head of Systems Development Unit, Saudigitius shared how the HISP network came together by extending DHIS2 to support changing needs of the education sector. Recording here.
- DHIS2 for Education Part 1: DHIS2 as a flexible platform is dynamic to address data collection and use needs at all levels of the education system. We heard from Dennis Miles Odong, Head Teacher and Data focal point on the how the district of Gulu City in Uganda has been established as a district of excellence, from Seedy Ahmed Jallow from MoBSE The Gambia on how central level administrators are deploying DHIS2 nation-wide and from Mr. Dometo Gbopoka from the ministry in Togo on how just-in-time innovations such as a WhatsApp bot for sending national examination results in Togo are meeting the needs of parents and students. Amelie A Gagnon from UNESCO-IIEP shared connecting EMIS with national norms, policy objectives, spatial, and climate data to feed into a multi-criteria decision analysis tool. Recording here.
- DHIS2 for Education Part 2: DHIS2 for Education and the HISP network have worked with ministries of education to identify and refine use cases and software requirements for EMIS in DHIS2. Led by Saudigitus with support from HISP Uganda, HISP Sri Lanka and HISP WCA and advisory from the DHIS2 Core Team in Oslo, a new student-staff-school suite of apps (SEMIS) has been developed. We learned how SEMIS has been designed with and for countries to fulfill core requirements by enrolling and managing students and teachers. The demo included how we manage bulk transactions at school level, take attendance on web and Android and facilitate promotion, repetition, transfer and graduation processes. Recording here.
Conference features include:
- Presentations of new and upcoming features from the DHIS2 core development team
- Speakers from national Ministries and global partners such as WHO, UNICEF, the CDC, and more
- Community-driven presentations selected from an open call for presentation topics
- Annual competition for best independent Web and Android App developed by the DHIS2 community
- Ample opportunities to network with peers and experienced DHIS2 implementers

Links to all presentations are available on the Annual Conference agenda in the session descriptions. In addition, many presentations’ summaries are also available on the DHIS2 Community of Practice (CoP). Do not hesitate to contribute to the conversations under the presentations threads even now after the sessions are over.