Eswatini officially launches SEMIS as educational data collection and analysis tool
In a concerted effort to modernize educational management, SEMIS was officially launched in Eswatini in March 2024, as the tool for collecting and managing educational data.
In a concerted effort to modernize educational management, SEMIS was officially launched in Eswatini, between the 19th and 22nd of March 2024, as the tool for collecting and managing educational data. Developed through collaboration between the Ministry of Education and Training of Eswatini, UNICEF, the University of Oslo, HISP Uganda and Saudigitus, SEMIS is a mobile application, customized by DHIS2, which aims to optimize the process of data collection and analysis within the education sector.
Before the official launch of SEMIS in the country, a cross-sector team including the Ministry of Education, Saudigitus, and other partners, undertook several preparatory activities that guaranteed the sustainability of this implementation. This involved on-site training and monitoring, participating in planning meetings and review sessions to ensure testing of the SEMIS app in 10 pilot schools, and carrying out school visits to assess the relevance and functionality of the app.