Integrating DHIS2 with existing EMIS systems
Togo’s Ministry of Primary, Secondary, Technical Education has relied on collecting data on paper forms, forwarded to inspectorates for entry into StatEduc, an education statistical application used in about 20 countries. With support from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), the Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (GPE KIX) and HISP West and Central Africa (WCA), the ministry is piloting DHIS2 in collaboration with the existing StatEduc application. StatEduc therefore continues to be a tool for data collection, while DHIS2 processes and provides flexible information products from the collected data. The combination of StatEduc and DHIS2 facilitates the sharing of data at all levels of the education system, providing schools and actors at subnational levels access to dynamic dashboards. The solution addresses gaps around visualization and analysis of real time data through indicators such as enrolment by level, teacher pupil ratios, national exam success rates (disaggregated by gender, disability status, etc.). The integration of systems has allowed for legacy data to be used for visualization of trends and comparative analysis.

Start date & current scale | DHIS2 products in use | Local innovations & integrations | Funders & partners |
Since 2019 National scale | Aggregate integration with StatEduc | School observation tool, School report card, WhatsApp bot for exam results, MICS-EAGLE survey integration | Norad, GPE KIX, Ministry of Education, HISP WCA |
For more information, contact Edem Kossi, HISP WCA.