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Decentralized data use and cross-sector data sharing

Since 2011, the Ministry of Health has used DHIS2 as a national health management information system and since 2019 has leveraged on this existing capacity to expand to the education sector. The Basic Education Department at the Ministry of Education and Sports, has been piloting DHIS2-DEMIS; a district-level Education Management Information System, with 4 districts as learning sites. This has enabled district education officers and leadership to capture, visualize, analyze and use EMIS data for routine planning, resource allocation, monitoring, support supervision and evidence-based decision making at district level.

Start date & current scaleDHIS2 products
in use
Local innovations
& integrations
Funders &
Since 2019
Four districts
Aggregate Termly annual school census, school-based health surveillance, school feeding toolNorad, GPE KIX, Ministry of Education and Sports Basic Education Department, Department of Planning, World Bank, Aga Khan, World Food Programme, Save the Children


For more information, contact Dr. Prosper Behumbiize, HISP Uganda.

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