Integrated Termly tool harmonizes EMIS data collection efforts
A newly developed integrated termly data collection tool aims to improve routine reporting, coordination, analysis, and presentation of indicators across departments for improved data use.
In Uganda, different Ministry of Education and Sports (Basic Education) departments, districts and partners identified a need to streamline, integrate and routinize data collection efforts to inform planning and resource allocation at central and district levels. A newly developed integrated termly data collection tool aims to improve routine reporting, coordination, analysis, and presentation of indicators across departments for improved data use. Using DHIS2, visual dashboards depict termly data for each implementing site in addition to program specific dashboards visualizing gender, school feeding and school health related data. Program specific dashboards play an additional role in advocating for new partners to join efforts to support scale, promote data use and to explore the power of DHIS2 for monitoring and reporting on the Uganda Education Response Plan, including for Refugees and Host Communities.