
Taking a provincial implementation approach, DHIS2 was initially piloted in 5 districts in Zambezia and 4 districts Nampula. As of 2023, all 45 districts of both provinces have been introduced to DHIS2. 

EduStat (StatEduc) data from 2004-2022 has been imported into the system, which enables districts and provinces to explore engaging trend analysis of their annual education census data.

In addition, with in-country developer capacity, Saudigitus has prototyped a DHIS2 Teacher and Learner Attendance app with the ability to provide real-time attendance data. The app is a clear example of local innovation extensions to the DHIS2 platform and will be available to all DHIS2 for Education country implemenations.

For more information contact: Dr. Zeferino Saugene, Saudigitus

Updates and Activities

Eswatini lança oficialmente o SEMIS como a ferramenta de colecta e análise de dados educacionais

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