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Third Annual KIX Symposium – DHIS2 panel on data systems & data use

Dr. Terje Aksel Sanner, Associate Professor, Institute of Informatics at the University of Oslo, and Alpha Bah, Head of Education Management Information Systems and Information and Communications Technology Units, Planning Policy Analysis and Budgeting Directorate at the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education of The Gambia, provided insight into how a KIX-supported project on data use innovations is helping countries build more robust data systems and leverage data into improved education policy and practice.

Published: 1 Nov 2022

Learning from health & adapting to education

The Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (GPE KIX), a joint endeavor between the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), hosted the Third Annual KIX Symposium on October 12 and 13, 2022.

MoBSE Gambia and University of Oslo presented on the panel focused on Data Systems and Data Use.

Dr. Terje Aksel Sanner, Associate Professor, Institute of Informatics at the University of Oslo, and Alpha Bah, Head of Education Management Information Systems and Information and Communications Technology Units, Planning Policy Analysis and Budgeting Directorate at the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education of The Gambia, provided insight into how a KIX-supported project on data use innovations is helping countries build more robust data systems and leverage data into improved education policy and practice.

“This partnership has helped us to build a model where school-level data collection and reporting is possible, and possible at the regional level. And we are building [the knowledge] of staff and planners and regional focal points. We have a lot of things happening at the same time.” – Alpha Bah, Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education, The Gambia

The Symposium demonstrated how KIX supports evidence-informed policy dialogue for system transformation by taking a deep dive into two education priorities that have emerged through the initiative: Gender Equality and Data Systems and Data Use. Government partners, policymakers, and researchers shared their perspectives on (i) how these priorities are being addressed through KIX’s applied research projects and Hubs, and (ii) how education stakeholders in GPE partner countries are using evidence and knowledge from KIX’s innovations and activities. The event also provided an update on progress made in the third year of KIX and information on upcoming priorities. The virtual event attracted over 260 attendees from countries around the globe.

Watch the full recordings of the Symposium Day 1 and Day 2, or continue reading for event highlights!