
The Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) eSwatini has been collecting education data from learning institutions on a semi-annual and annual basis using paper registers and aggregate reports. Data was entered in an MS Access-based EMIS at the central level for analysis, resulting in annual statistical yearbooks used for feedback, policy, planning, decision making and overall monitoring and evaluation of the education sector plan.

The system became difficult to maintain and was not responsive to growing information needs related to Early Childhood Development and Special Needs Education, Care and Support for Teaching and Learning (INQABA), Sector Response to HIV and AIDS, Nutrition as well as individual learner and staff monitoring using unique identifiers. 

The MoET envisioned an individual personal identification number (PIN) driven-system to track individual learners, teaching and non- teaching staff to ensure holistic support in learning, teacher training and management.

Building on these requirements from an extensive EMIS system review, the MoET with support from UNICEF eSwatini, proposed the use of DHIS2 for Education through an initial pilot project (2020). The MoET is now scaling nation-wide.

For more information contact: Dr. Prosper Behumbiize, HISP Uganda

Updates and Activities

Education sessions | DHIS2 Annual Conference Oslo 2024

Education stakeholders join over 380 people from 70 countries at the DHIS2 Annual Conference in Oslo We were delighted to welcome to Oslo over 380 people from 70 countries who gave their time and resources to attend the Annual Conference and to contribute in diverse ways with interesting presentations, posters and a good atmosphere for…

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Report details achievements and opportunities of DHIS2 for Education in Eswatini

Read an in-depth assessment of Eswatini’s DHIS2 EMIS pilot, including detailed sections on implementation, stakeholder engagement, capacity building and data use In June 2020, the Ministry of Education and Training in the Kingdom of Eswatini, with funding from UNICEF Eswatini, contracted the University of Oslo in partnership with HISP Uganda to support the review and…

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Supporting Quality Education in eSwatini with DHIS2

The Kingdom of eSwatini has piloted DHIS2 as an Education Management Information System (EMIS) to help achieve SDG4 goals and support nationwide universal basic education.

In this video, representatives from the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET), UNICEF, and HISP Uganda, as well as teachers and civil society partners, talk about their experiences with the pilot, as the country prepares to scale up their DHIS2 EMIS system nationwide.

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